I live in Liverpool, and whilst MCM abandoned us during their great con purge, Monopoly Events decided to to take it on. I’d wanted to go for a while, but it being around MCM London time made that tricky as I’d usually be in frantic con crunch. No MCM for me this year, so time to check it out!

So, first up: tickets. Not a great buying experience with the ticket insurance page being deliberately designed to make it difficult to say no and then a £1 surcharge (on top of a 10% admin fee) to print your own tickets. They’re also fairly expensive, costing roughly the same as the equivalent ticket to MCM London this past May.

The con nearly start off minus one, as Lana was struggling to get to me thanks to the storm taking out most of the trains (I’d like to thank Lana’s friend Jess for giving them the lift up). Morning of con, I nearly made us miss the taxi (oop’s! in fairness I had only slept like an hour. Acursed sinuses!). With friend two (Nate) acquired (and a brief chat with some family also attending) we we’re able to get into the con super quickly. Barely any queueing at all!

Once we got in and had a wander it became clear that most of the con was dedicated to meeting guests. The main vendors/artists area was also about 60% generic drop-shipped geek merch, though there where a couple of really good ones we’d not seen before and a few that I’d seen at previous cons. There were two sides (blue and red), with a few more artists in the red building… and a lot more queues for seeing guests/getting photos. This is also where they had the sets for photos, which wile well built where always too busy and too show focused to really do anything with. MegaCon with it’s generic backdrops has me spoilt 😂

Myself, Nate and Lana sitting in Costa.

Breaking for lunch early, we terrorised (aka turned up normally) a nearby Costa in Albert dock in full cosplay (so many confused looks). I’m always a fan of going to places in cosplay, there’s nothing funnier than seeing Aloy drinking tea in a coffee shop. On our return we met up with another friend (Alex) and their friends, who seemed to share the same thoughts I’d been having so far on the con. The rest of the afternoon was the inevitable search for things we wanted to go back to check out a second time, meeting folks and taking photos. It was an early finish (around 3ish, after photo’s had been taken) as we’d run out of things to do.

Other random things from the day: Daleks going from building to building arguing and using the lifts will never not be funny; I nearly got run over by Warrick Davis on a segway while doing a photoshoot; Wearing Aloy this time round was much more comfortable, with only one minor breakage.

Final thoughts: Overall, I’m giving the con a solid meh. Sure, I had fun, but most of that came from donning Aloy again after a long time and hanging out with my friends. While it’s local, I doubt I’ll be attending again as it definitely wasn’t worth the same price as an MCM ticket.

Expect some more updates on my BOTW Link soon, it’s progressing very slowly but hopefully I can pick up momentum and get it done before January!

Time until MegaCon London:
11 Weeks 5 Days