TLDR; MCM was a lot of fun (as usual)! Saturday was far too crowded.

The panic before the storm!

As I mentioned in my last post I still had a few minor things to take care of the night before, a couple I’d identified from my costume test (reinforcement of flaps join to the belt) and a few minor things to the bow that I just hadn’t got time to finish. My friend Lana also helped detangle the mess that was my wig which I am grateful for (and subsequently just got tangled again after I’d worn it).

Getting to the accommodation much earlier in the day rather than later afternoon/early evening really helped to relieve some of the anxiety I had (that and the Gideon the Ninth book, I highly recommend for all your transported away from your worries needs!).

My experiences

Comic Con was fantastic, as usual. There where some amazing artists in artists alley as well as people selling amazing merch; I definitely spent more money than I should have! The variety and quality of cosplay was so good, so many fantastic costumes that I of course completely forgot to take photos of. I promise every year I’m going to do better but never do.

A collection of art prints, badges and clothing laid on a wooden floor.

All the things I bought for me from comic con. The frog theme is completely unintentional, and I absolutely love the dice shirt.

I also got stopped a lot for photos (as did my friend Lana, having disney princessed it up and made so many kids days) which was nice, though I’ll admit not being able to make it down one row of artists alley did start to grate a bit! I got some nice photos outside, both with me in front and behind the camera, these will but up in galleries over the next week or so.

Wearing the cosplay

A selfie of myself dressed as Aloy in the shield weaver outfit, reflected in a fancy mirror.

I took a few selfies in the various mirrors about the place, but this is my favourite.

My costume wasn’t too bad to wear, but was restrictive enough to make things awkward - I couldn’t really bend or kneel down and I was concious of crushing things when I sat down. It definitely was on the warmer side and I think it’s a bit much to wear two days in a row.

I made some fixes across the weekend, firstly safety pinning the upper arms to hold them in place, and for the second day sewing belt loops onto my trousers which where constantly falling down.


My biggest gripe was how many people where allowed in on the Saturday afternoon. I know Saturday is a busier day, but the fact was you couldn’t move or look at anything due to the crowds. The aircon was on stronger but the temperatures inside where stifling and we quickly escaped to outside where it was cooler. It was apparently 22 degrees as well, which shows just how bad it was!

I really hope that MCM restricts the number of people for Saturday at least because it was ridiculous. We left earlier than we wanted, and already have plans to avoid the bulk of Saturday afternoon in May.

What’s next?

I’m not planning on going to MCM in Ocotober next year, whilst it’s a lot of fun it’s also real close to other cons I might want to attend. We’re instead going to go to May MCM, something I’ve not done in a long while!

Stay tuned for photos I’ve taken over the weekend and details on my next cosplay!